Child psychiatrists
MUDr. Štěpánka Kicková, Ph.D.
Head of child psychiatry ambulamce
graduated in general medicine at the 2nd Medical Faculty of Charles University in Prague
Specialized qualification in child and adolescent psychiatry in 2015
in 2018 she defended her dissertation thesis entitled "New Approaches to the Diagnosis of Childhood Autism" and received her Ph.D. degree at the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University in Prague
in 2009-2023 she worked at the Child Psychiatric Clinic of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine of Charles University and Motol University Hospital in Prague as a secondary and later as a senior physician, in addition to her clinical and scientific activities she also taught medical students
in 2020 she successfully completed psychotherapeutic training in cognitive-behavioural therapy at the Institute of KBT Hradec Králové
completed several internships abroad (Italy, Canada)
she regularly lectures at professional congresses, seminars and training events, she is the author and co-author of professional articles published in renowned domestic and foreign professional journals (e.g. Autism, Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, Czech and Slovak Psychiatry)
She has long been a specialist in the field of autism spectrum disorders and tic disorders. Since 2011 she has been working with ADOS diagnostic method, in 2016 she achieved research reliability in ADOS-2 method (Dublin, Ireland).
has been working in INEP since 2014
offers its services not only in Czech but also to English-speaking patients
MUDr. Marie Pozdílková
graduated in general medicine at the 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague
Specialized qualification in child and adolescent psychiatry in 2023
from 2012 to 2016 she worked as a secondary physician at the Child Psychiatric Clinic of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague
in 2013 she completed a clinical and research internship at the Mood Disorders Centre of Ottawa
co-authored articles in peer-reviewed journals (Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment, Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences)
has been working at INEP since 2017
offers its services to English-speaking patients in addition to Czech
MUDr. Nikol Přibilová
graduated in general medicine at the 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague
since 2010 she has been working as a secondary physician at the Children's Psychiatric Hospital Louny
is in the advanced stage of pre-service training in child and adolescent psychiatry
as part of his doctoral studies in Neuroscience under the supervision of Prof. Paclt, he is researching ADHD, the importance of genetic factors and the use of imaging methods
participated in the IGA grant NT 14177 - 3/2013
is a co-author and main author of articles in professional journals, regularly lectures at professional conferences
has been working at INEP since 2017
offers its services to English-speaking patients in addition to Czech
MUDr. Jana Šolcová
je absolventkou oboru všeobecné lékařství na 2. LF UK v Praze
od roku 2012 do 2014 působila jako sekundární lékařka v Psychiatrické nemocnici v Horních Beřkovicích
od roku 2014 působí jako sekundární lékařka Dětské psychiatrické klinice 2. LF UK a FN Motol v Praze
specializovanou způsobilost v oboru dětská a dorostová psychiatrie získala v roce 2018
je ve výcviku ve skupinové psychoanalytické psychoterapii v České společnosti pro psychoanalytickou pychoterapii (ČSPAP)
v INEPu pracuje od roku 2022
zaměřuje se především na diagnostiku a léčbu poruch příjmu potravy, afektivních poruch a poruch autistického spektra
svoje služby nabízí kromě češtiny i anglicky mluvícím pacientům