Neurology deals with diseases of the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves. In INEP, the neurology outpatient clinic is closely linked with other disciplines, especially neurosurgery and psychiatry. Thanks to this, we are able to diagnose diseases earlier and treat them more effectively.

You can reach us for all neurological problems.
In our neurological outpatient clinic, we deal with common neurological problems as well as specialized problems at the borderline between neurology and psychiatry.
Common neurological
Between neurology
and psychiatry
We have a wide range of examination methods

Electroencephalography (EEG)
Electroencephalography (EEG) records the electrical activity of the brain. It is an outpatient non-invasive and therefore painless examination of brain activity.
EEG is used to detect changes in the electrical activity of the brain when brain damage is suspected. It is mainly used in seizure disorders, loss of consciousness, concussion, brain tumours, after a stroke, inflammation or head injuries.
Electromyography (EMG)
This method determines the functional status of nerve roots, peripheral nerves, neuromuscular transmission and muscles. It helps us identify damage to muscle tissue or nerve. We use surface electrodes that sense the action potential of a large number of motor units.
One of the most common indications for EMG examination is carpal tunnel syndrome or nerve root involvement.

Ultrasound of cerebral vessels (USG)
The cerebral arteries are an essential source of nutrition for the brain, which is very sensitive to a lack of it. This examination determines the degree of patency of the carotid arteries and their ability to adequately supply the brain with blood.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, all neurology services are covered by public health insurance.
For a neurological examination, a voucher (application form) is not required.
A special cap with electrodes is placed on the patient's head. A special conductive gel must be applied to the electrodes in the cap using an applicator. The patient lies down on the bed and rests. Staff may ask the subject to occasionally open/close their eyes and hyperventilate (deep breathing) during the EEG.
The entire examination takes 30 to 45 minutes including preparation.
The EEG result in written form is available in about 14 days.
How to prepare for an EEG examination?
Have washed hair (sebum, baby oils and hair styling gels complicate the examination)
adequate sleep before the examination, unless sleep deprivation (sleep deprivation) is indicated by the doctor
towel, comb, hair elastic - after the examination, a conductive gel remains in the hair, which can be partially wiped off or brushed out.
Chronic medication list - the EEG technician should be informed of all medications taken. Some medications can change the nature of the EEG recording and could lead to an erroneous result.
Recommendations from the referring physician -neurologist, psychiatrist, general practitioner
Jde o ambulantní vyšetření a není třeba žádná speciální příprava.
Elektromyografické vyšetření provádí lékař neurolog-specialista a jedná se o pomocnou vyšetřovací elektrofyziologickou metodu k assessment of the functional state of peripheral nerves and muscular system, helps to determine the localization, nature and degree of disability, can also monitor the course of the disease over time and the response to therapeutic procedures.
The examination includes a non-invasive part - stimulation of superficially located peripheral nerves with an electrical impulse applied to the skin surface, selectively supplemented by an invasive part - examination of muscles with a needle registration electrode. Despite a certain degree of "unpleasantness" of the examination for the patient, this method is indispensable for the diagnosis of many both primary and secondary disorders of the neuromuscular system.
No special preparation is required. It is not advisable to lubricate the skin in the area to be examined before the examination. In winter, please arrive early for the examination in order to keep your extremities warm. Oily and cold skin can distort the readings during the EMG examination.
Examination time varies depending on the number of nerves needed to be examined, usually between 15 - 60 minutes.
The result of the examination is available to the doctor immediately after the examination.
A physician's referral is required for an EMG.
Ultrasound is a completely painless and quick examination. The patient lies on his/her back and a gel-coated ultrasound probe is inserted from one side of the neck and then the other. The feeding cerebral arteries, i.e. the spacing and course of both carotid arteries and both vertebral arteries are imaged. Above all, changes in the arterial wall, whether atherosclerotic plaques are present and whether the artery is narrowed are assessed. In addition, a so-called transcranial examination is carried out, in which a probe is placed on the right and left temples and the back of the head to image the main cerebral arteries.
The examination is performed on an outpatient basis and no special preparation is required.
The examination takes between 10-30 minutes depending on the complexity of the findings.
The result of the examination is available to the doctor immediately during the examination.
A doctor's referral is not required for the ultrasound examination.