Counselling psychotherapy and coaching

Office hours.

personal consultation in INEP

even Wednesdays: 1 - 8 pm

Even Thursday: 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.

online skype consultation

Odd Wednesdays: 1 - 8 pm

Odd Thursday: 8am - 1pm

Mgr. Ing. Lucie Dvořáková

psychological counsellor and coach

  • has been working at INEP since 2019 and focuses mainly on individual psychotherapeutic counselling for young people aged 15 and older and adults

  • also provides couples and family counselling, personal development coaching

  • in addition to therapeutic or coaching conversations, she focuses on active imagery, relaxation and mindfulness techniques, hypnosis and hypnotic relaxation, breath work

  • offers her services to Czech and English speaking patients

  • you can contact her:

    - with anxiety conditions

    - with neurotic disorders

    - eating disorders

    - with depressive conditions

    - with psychosomatic problems

    - if you want help with personal development and self-knowledge

    - if you have difficulties in relationships and communication

    - for counselling families of clients with children with behavioural problems and other mental disorders

    - on improving quality of life, experience and overall satisfaction

  • is a graduate in social work with a focus on communication and applied psychotherapy at the Prague School of Psychosocial Studies.

  • has completed Self-Experience Training in Daseinsanalytic Direction, Training in Mindfulness Techniques in Practice, Hypnotherapy Training, Psychotherapy Faculty and Lifelong Learning in Psychology and other professional courses and seminars such as Crisis Intervention, Training in Active Imagery and Daseinsanalytic Dream Interpretation

  • since 2015 he has been working as an Accredited External Professional Coach with accreditation obtained from the Coaching Centre s.r.o. (professional education of coaches in the Czech Republic and Slovakia under the auspices of the International Coach Federation ICF)

  • as part of her previous work experience, she was engaged in coaching within the development of soft skills, communication skills, corporate culture and personal development, psychotherapeutic counseling within non-profit organizations with a focus on disabled clients and clients with PPP in the Anabell Center

  • she is also a graduate in economics from Brno University of Technology

Office hours.

Monday: 8.30 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Thursday: 8.30 am - 3 pm

Friday: 12.30 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Mgr. Olga Mazurovová

psychological counsellor and coach

  • has been working at INEP since 2019 and specialises in individual psychotherapeutic counselling for young people aged 15 and over and for adults

  • She also works as a personal development coach, business coach and is dedicated to mental training for athletes

  • In addition to therapeutic or coaching conversations, she is involved in active imagery, meditation, relaxation, breath work and dream work

  • she offers her services to Czech, Russian and English speaking patients

  • You can contact her:
    - for psychotherapeutic counselling for young people and adults (anxiety and depressive states, neurotic problems, problems with stress management, difficulties in relationships or with oneself,...)
    - personal development coaching
    - business-coaching

  • is a graduate in social work with a focus on communication and applied psychotherapy at the Prague School of Psychosocial Studies

  • she has completed a full psychotherapeutic education in daseinsanalytic direction and as part of her lifelong learning she participates in professional courses and seminars, e.g. Crisis Intervention, Client Suicide and Suicidal Actions, Transgenerational Trauma, Family Counseling, Training in Active Imagery, Training in Daseinsanalytic Dream Interpretation, a series of seminars focusing on eating disorders and relationship to the body

  • worked in the field of foreign trade

Office hours.

Tuesday: 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Thursday: 8 am - 4 pm

Mgr. Linda Peichlová

psychological counsellor

  • has been working at INEP since 2016 and specializes in individual and group psychotherapeutic counseling for adults and focuses on psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy

  • offers her services to Czech and English speaking clients

  • you can contact her:
    - if you are looking for a solution to difficulties in relationships and communication
    - you have low self-esteem
    - anxiety and depressive problems
    - psychosomatic problems
    - you desire self-knowledge

  • she is a graduate of psychosocial sciences, religious studies and theology at HTF UK in Prague

  • is in training in psychoanalytic psychotherapy in the Czech Society for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (CSPAP)

  • worked at the Hussite Centre, o.p.s. as a director of a non-profit society focusing on children and youth living in socially disadvantaged environments

  • worked for a long time as a volunteer with children, youth and families of refugees and foreigners living in the Czech Republic in the civic association Pecka

  • she has completed professional courses on Basics of Crisis Intervention, Jacobson's Progressive Relaxation, Respect and Be Respected, KBT - treatment of insomnia

  • has been working at INEP as a psychological counsellor since 2016

  • offers his services to Czech and English speaking clients

Do not hesitate to contact us

Our telephone line is very busy during the day. If you cannot reach us, please fill out this form and our assistants will get back to you as soon as possible.

  • Please select one
  • Psychiatrie
  • Neurologie
  • Psychoterapie
  • Psychoterapie pro děti
  • Dětská psychiatrie
  • Dětská neurologie
  • Klinická psychologie
  • Dětská klinická psychologie
  • Jiné
  • Nevím