Centre for Digital Addiction Treatment

The Centre focuses on the prevention, diagnosis and comprehensive treatment of problems caused by the use of digital technologies (smartphones, PCs, virtual reality), including the dual neuropsychiatric disorders that accompany them.

You can reach us with all the difficulties of digital addiction

As with all activities, there is a balance to be struck when using digital technology. Self-reflection and the occasional digital detox should be added to the so-called digital hygiene.

Common problems in digital addictions


Problems at school

Conflicts in the family

Problems at work


Poor concentration

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this service covered by insurance?

Yes, all services are covered by public health insurance.

How can I make an appointment?

The capacity of the Digital Addictions Counselling Centre has been filled for a long time.

We have a specialist in digital addiction

Do not hesitate to contact us

The phone line is very busy during the day, please fill out this contact form. Our assistants will get back to you as soon as possible.