Child psychiatry

If your child seems to be behaving differently than you are used to lately , is having trouble at school, is avoiding friends, is more irritable or more sad, it is a good idea to seek professional help.

You can reach us for all psychological difficulties.

Psychological problems in children usually manifest themselves differently than in adults.

Common childhood psychological problems

Behaviour change

Trouble at school


Not caring about friends

Longer mourning

Changing moods

Diagnostic examination

The diagnostic examination begins with a thorough interview with the parents and the child, taking a family history, symptoms, difficulties and the child's behaviour. The physician is interested in developmental milestones, social interactions, school performance, and other pertinent information.

In addition, various questionnaires may be used to assess the child's specific symptoms and behaviors. For example, questionnaires focusing on hyperactivity, impulsivity, concentration or social interaction.

Therapeutic interventions

Cognitive-behavioral therapy focuses on changing negative thought patterns and behaviors through therapeutic exercises and strategies.

Family therapy focuses on family relationships and helps identify and resolve problems in family interactions.

Pharmacotherapy may be used when severe symptoms are present and involves the administration of medication to stabilise the child's mental state.

Therapeutic interventions in child psychiatry are individualised and take into account the specific needs and developmental stages of each patient.

Comprehensive diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders in children

The aim of the examination is to confirm or refute whether or not a child with a reasonable suspicion of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has one of the ASDs.

The examination takes place over the course of a single day in the form of a detailed interview with the parents, playing and performing simple tasks with the child. It is conducted by an experienced child psychiatrist with the highest possible training and expertise in the diagnosis of PAS.

Často kladené otázky

Je tato služba hrazená pojišťovnou?

Ano, služby dětského psychiatra jsou plně hrazeny ze zdravotního pojištění.

Kdy navštívit dětského psychiatra?

Dětský věk je obdobím rozvoje a budování struktury osobnosti. Zkušenosti, které v tomto období nasbíráme nás ovlivňují po zbytek života, a proto je důležité podporovat u dětí jejich zdravý psychický vývoj a nezanedbat péči, když se dítě dostane do nesnází. Psychické potíže u dětí se většinou projevují odlišně od dospělého věku. Děti neumí dostatečně srozumitelně sdělit, co je trápí, ale všímavý pozorovatel si začínajících změn v chování může všimnout.

Pokud se vám zdá, že se vaše dítě v poslední době chová jinak než jste u něj zvyklí, má potíže ve škole, straní se kamarádů, je víc podrážděné nebo naopak víc smutné, je dobré vyhledat odbornou pomoc.

Musím mít doporučení lékaře?

Ano, žádanka od pediatra je nutná pro vyšetření i zápis na čekací listinu.

We have an experienced team of child psychiatrists

Do not hesitate to contact us

The phone line is very busy during the day, please fill out this contact form. Our assistants will get back to you as soon as possible.